Introducing the Orgasmic Revolution!

Introducing Orgasmic Revolution
People have been asking me for a year or so for this class. The earth has been asking me for longer then I care to recall for this class. Whispers of awareness kept edging me here. I’m finally ready…
Are you?
Have you ever had an orgasm that climaxed in explosive laughter? An orgasm where there was so much joy in you and your body that it couldn’t be contained? Where there were no walls, no judgments, no thoughts and no exclusion? Where you were so present that you could listen to your body, delight in every sensation and soak in the bliss of what you were experiencing?
What if that was a possibility not just in the bedroom but beyond it as well?
Orgasm is a creative spark of life. It is a catalyst for healing, nurturing and the joy of embodiment. It is readily available in every aspect of our lives, just waiting to be tapped into.
What if you were able to experience more intense orgasms in sex AND allow that energy to permeate your life? What creative capacities with your body, the earth and others would be available then?
Join Access Certified Facilitator and Yoga Teacher Lauren Polly for an exploration of a totally different perspective of orgasm, sex, embodiment and communion. One based on pleasure, joy, exploration, fun and possibilities.
Class includes verbal processing to shift your perspectives and open your mind, guided meditations/energetic exercises to move energy and gentle movements to increase your connection to your body.
I’m kicking off the revolution with a class in my home town of Emeryville (East San Francisco Bay) on February 28th. See my webpage for details and to email me to register.
I’ll be in Chicago in May facilitating this along with my “Breaking the Rules of Engagement” class.
I’ve been invited to Portland, Sweden, Norway and Australia – dates to be announced soon.
If you are interested in bringing me and this class to your town please contact me to explore the possibilities.
How much can we contribute to each other, the earth and ourselves to live joyfully, fully alive and ORGASMICALLY!
Truly what else is possible???
Ease and Joy,

What works for YOU?

with What works for you? With the amazing Shannon O’hara

I heard this question on a tele call with the amazing Shannon O’hara and have been asking it non-stop since then.
This is so different…
Not what do I want. Not what I’m supposed to have. Not what everyone else expects me to do, be or have.
But what works for me?
Have you ever created something – a business, a relationship, a body change – and it just came to together with ease? Where it was light and fun and expanded you and everyone around you? Where it just worked?
And on the flip side have you created things where it was a struggle. Where you had to push and fight and then once you got it – the job, the person – it just felt wrong and heavy? Even when it matched exactly what you have been asking for?
What if instead of asking for what it is you want or what you think you should have you start asking for what would work for you?
HINT: honesty with yourself is key here… What if what you think you want and have been trying to create really isn’t what would work for you… Would that explain some of the upset and struggle with creating it? This was and continues to be a big AHA for me.
What would really and truly work for you to create a life and living that was uniquely you?
I invite you to stay in the open ended question of that and see what pops up. Start choosing what works for you and explore how easeful creation can be.
What if life could be easy?
And what if it just worked?
Ease and Joy,

Put Yourself in the Way of Beauty

I watched the movie “Wild” yesterday. It’s about a women’s journey to rediscovering herself by hiking 1,000 miles alone. There were many great moments but I LOVED a quote her mother said:
“There is a sunrise and a sunset every day. You can chose to be there for it or not. You can chose to put yourself in the way of beauty.”
This really struck me and rang true.
I’m a nature girl. Walking in the woods – particularly alone – has always been one of my favorite ways to spend my time. My mind quiets, my body relaxes and whatever was bothering me gets smaller and smaller until it disappears.
Enjoying and engaging with the earth’s beauty allows me to see the beauty in myself more clearly. Have you noticed this as well?
Our planet gifts us this. Constantly. How often are we partaking in it? How often are we choosing to put ourselves in the way of its beauty? And how often are we allowing that beauty to heal and nurture us?
The gift of the earth is always here just waiting for us to notice and receive it.
Would you be willing, during this hectic time of year, to put yourself in the way of beauty and receive?
Ease & Joy
P.S. The picture above is my backyard! It’s the San Francisco Bay with the Golden Gate Bridge to the left and the mountains of the North Bay to the right. Enjoy!

Engage with Others: Communication as Co-Creation

Engage Others: Communication Co-Creation

What if, at the heart of the matter, communication was about so much more then talking?

What if there were a way where you could use your unique abilities, presence and awareness to your advantage in all your interactions?
I hadn’t realized that I was bored in communications because I wasn’t allowing myself to show up as me.  After working with Lauren personal and professional interactions are more focused, creative and easy.” ~ Susan, Toronto
Do you have difficulty connecting to others, expressing yourself or being understood?
Lauren Polly offers a full range of products, coaching and workshops that open you to a more dynamic way of interacting and engaging with the world!
The target:
– intimacy building
– clinician/client relations
– interoffice relations and teamwork
– authentic sales and marketing
– self communication for more clarity of creation
– opening up more creative expression
– interpersonal dynamics

Check out Lauren’s chapter about communication in fastest growing self empowerment book in the world “The Change 6!”  Get a free download of it HERE.
FREE weekly radio show“Beyond Speech: Limitless Communication” on
Breaking the Rules of Engagement:An Access Consciousness Specialty class – 1 day
One on one communication coaching
Corporate Seminar – 1 day
Dynamic Engagement Monthly Intensive
VIP Healing Days
What if, at the heart of the matter, communication was about so much more then talking?
“My writing is more liquid, the solid places that once stuck me and kept me from moving forward are gone. The moment of pause and hesitation, the doubt is no longer a strong distractor for me and my work feels lighter and more playful! Thank you so much!”
~ Chrissy, Indiana

Engage Your Body: Orgasmic Revolution

Engage Your Body: Orgasmic Revolution
~ Emily, Chicago
“I’ve had the most intense and wonderful orgasms since the Orgasmic Revolution class.  Lauren is in such no judgement of you and your choices it makes it easier and more fun to explore.” ~ Joan, Spain
As the basis for your relationships…
Or do you feel like you are battling each other?
What if that was the key to orgasmic joyful living?
Are you and your body working together to create the life of your dreams?
Lauren Polly offers a full range of products, coaching and classes on engaging dynamically with your body via orgasmic energy!
Orgasmic energy is one of healing, nurturing and creation.  It is a joyful and generative energy that can assist you in having more pleasure and ease in all aspects of your life. Orgasmic energy allows you to be fully alive.  It’s a vibrant state of connection with yourself, your body and the world around you.  It is the creative spark of life, a catalyst for healing and nurturing for your body/mind and the basis for the joy of embodiment.
Orgasmic energy is readily available to all of us.  It is not solely for the bedroom, in fact it is not a direct result of sexual play at all.  It is a fundamental energy of the universe, this planet and our earth body.  It is readily available in every aspect of our lives, just waiting to be tapped into.  Most don’t know this as a possibility.  It is rarely talked about from this view point or given as an option to choose.  Until now.
Lauren’s Orgasmic products, coaching and classes serve to empower the creation of a healthy body, a full expressed life and the ability to receive more.
They targets:
– joyful living
– connection to your body
– dynamic sexual play
– creative potency
– fun in relationships
– living from a relaxed state
– access to our bodies self-healing abilities
Sign up here for Lauren’s FREE Ebook “The Energetic Orgasm Experience” which is a companion book for the complete series found in the shop.
Orgasmic Living One to one coaching
Orgasmic Revolution: An Access Consciousness Specialty Class – 1 day
Dynamic Engagement Intensive
Energetic Body Work: Relax Your Mind, Heal Your Body
VIP Healing Days

Engage with the World: Mental Health Empowerment

Has your sensitivities to others and the world around you made you lost in your life?
Have your unique capacities and way of seeing the world been mistaken for mental illness?
Engage with the World: Mental Health Empowerment
Lauren Polly knows where you are coming from.  She has journeyed through the storm of mental illness.  With 16 years of medication, 11 years of weekly psychotherapy, a diagnosis of bipolar and a suicide attempt behind her she now employs dynamic self-awareness tools and techniques to ride the storm of this reality, not get swept away by it.
Lauren has walked through mental illness since she was 14 with traditional treatments and various alternative modalities. She now leverages her trials and triumphs to assist others through it more easefully and to know that there is hope.
Lauren has a revolutionary view on mental illness which allows herself, and people like her, to be empowered in their uniqueness and awareness of the world.
Lauren’s Mental Health Programs target:
– teaching of real time practical tools to assist daily upsets
– building self-awareness to find yourself in the noise of the world
– target setting for moving away from destructive behaviors
– unlocking and re-directing energy towards creative capacities and pursuits
– tools to build your awareness and trust YOU above all else
– entity communication coaching which manifests itself as mental disorders
Get a FREE download of the first 2 chapters of Lauren’s memoir “Riding the Storm: One women’s journey through Mental Illness and Beyond” here:
“Riding the Storm” is anticipated to be published July 2016.  Please visit the book’s website here for more information.
One on One Coaching
Energetic Body Work: Relax Your Mind, Heal Your Body
Dynamic Engagement Monthly Intensive
VIP Healing Days
Book Signings

Invite Lauren to speak at your event
 Click HERE or a FREE download of the first 2 chapters of Lauren’s memoir “Riding the Storm: One Women’s Journey through Mental Illness and Beyond.

What if it’s our differences that contribute the most to each other?

What if it’s our differences that contribute the most to each other?
All of life comes to me with ease and joy and glory!
I had a great chat with a client this week. He is recovering from a stroke working with me on improving his articulation and vocal quality. He is FINALLY allowing himself to delegate some responsibilities to his staff as he rebrands his business and recovers medically. He has been a ROCK STAR in his field and has built his business that way – with him at center stage and being synonymous with the product he developed and sells. He has the WOW factor with a fancy vocabulary, very adept verbal skills and a truly brilliant mind.
Finding someone that he felt comfortable delegating work to took some time… He is still very anxious that a potential client will fall through the cracks based on the way this other man presents his business. He finds himself in business meetings developing a very tight throat and voice as his body tenses in anticipation of mistakes by this man. When I asked him what was wrong with the way this other man presents the business he said “Nothing – he is brilliant but he’s just not me.”
Through our discussion he found that his anxiety is brought on by his need to CONTROL and an underlining point of view that no one could do his business better than he could.
He has been attempting to shove all his knowledge, vocabulary and exact verbiage into this man in an effort to make a second version of himself which just isn’t working. He isn’t allowing the man to be in his own brilliance. He isn’t allowing him to have the breathing and growing room to figure things out for himself and maybe fall down a few times on the way. And he hasn’t been willing to fully allow this man’s contribution to his business which may make it grow exponentially.
It’s interesting how we do this…
We ask for help or support, it shows up and then we fight and battle to keep some semblance of control. We have a vice grip and try to fuss and fix everything to come out a certain way as opposed to TRUSTING in our choice and the other person’s contribution.
Where have you been doing this? What control could you let go of that would allow the people in your life to contribute to and support you? Would that extra breathing room allow them, you and your creations to grow? What if you took steps to allow others to contribute whenever it was required?
We brainstormed some ways to allow the employee to have room to grow, be his difference and contribute in ways that allowed my client to be comfortable. Maybe you don’t hand over a huge client right away. Maybe he doesn’t do a whole pitch by himself. Maybe some mock presentations and pitches would be helpful learning experiences.
We asked: In what way is his different style a contribution? Where can he add to your pitch? Which clients might receive more from his style – which ones will require you? Who or what else can you add to your business to make it grow?
Are you willing to be out of CONTROL and actually RECEIVE contribution – no matter what it looks like? And are you willing to ask questions and look at other possibilities so that everyone is able to be themselves, contribute their difference and the business can succeed?
P.S. Definitely don’t try this in all your relationships – this definitely won’t work with significant others, families and friends… 😉
Tune into my radio show this Monday at 7pm PST where we will be delving more into this with:
“You’re not just like me? Why not?!”
How often do you try to make everyone just like you? Do you think you have the correct answer, the right way to be or the perfect way to go about doing things? Are you a control freak of magnitude? Does your ‘best’ interest to help others twist into superiority and disempowerment?
Come play with Beyond Speech: Limitless Communication with host Lauren Polly as she shares discoveries on how allowing you AND others to be and choose their difference is truly the kindest thing you can do.
Listen Live
Call in with Questions!
US-815 880 8255(TALK)
CANADA-613 800 8736
Join in the Live Chat Room too (just enter a nick name to join)
Missed a show? Check out past shows in the archives
Special FREE offer – Info Gathering!
I’m looking to create some new classes in the coming year. I would love to hear from you about what you are interested in learning more of, areas of your life you would like to change, topics of interest, or things we have done together in the past that worked for you.
Please contact me if you are willing to speak with me for 10-15 minutes about this and I’ll give you some tools and clearing for your time. 770-361-1996,
5 Days to Change Your Life Class
(These 5 days are comprised of the Access Bars, Foundations and Level 1 classes. You may take them all at once or individually per your choice)
Come learn and explore easy to use tools to change any area of your life from the Access Consciousness® system. During these 5 days you be developing your own personal tool box to help you in times of limitations, stress, discomfort and dis-ease.
Some Topics covered:
– stress relief
– relationships
– intimacy
– family dynamics
– money
– finding your authenticity
– body issues
– self-care
Learn 4 hands on energy techniques for:
– stress relief and relaxation
– changing thought & behavioral patterns
– opening up to more receiving
– easing chronic dis-ease in the body
– optimizing the body’s function
– creating a greater connection with your body
Where? Emeryville CA (Between Oakland and Berkeley)
Video Invitation to the 5 day event:
Access Bars January 3rd 10a – 6 p
For more information and to Register:
Access Foundations January 4th – 5th 10a – 6p
For more information and to Register:
Access Level 1 January 7th – 8th 10a – 6p
For more information and to Register:
MOVE into ACTION with CHOICE Tele call Series
Join me live on the phone from anywhere in the world
Recordings will be sent out if you miss the call live
What keeps you from choosing? Are you asking questions and gaining awareness yet your life isn’t changing and expanding? Do you feel inert, paralyzed or like you are spinning your wheels? What would it take to move into inspired action? What clarity of yourself can you step into that would make choice and creation easier?
4 week tele series January 13th – February 3rd (Every Tuesday evening at 6 pm PST)
Pre-requisites – Access Bars class
Week 1: Choice creates awareness, awareness doesn’t create choice
Week 2: Always questioning but never choosing
Week 3: Action vs reaction and the interplay of choice
Week 4: Choosing into the unknown
Watch my short The POWER of CHOICE you tube video:
Remake, Renew, Rejuvenate your body with the gentle energies of the Access Consciousness Body Processes; Receive each of these 62 specific energies and learn to gift them as well
Access has discovered over 50 energies that can facilitate a body to change and transform. Each of these transformational energies are run on the body as a body-processes, and allow the body to begin healing itself. Each process works in a different area and multiple processes can contribute and expand the change that is possible.
Would you like to have a unique communion with your body, create more ease and less pain and to have the choice to look totally different?
Click here for a video on the Access Body Processes:
Starting in the New Year I will be holding bi-weekly classes teaching these energies in the Bay Area.
You can sign up for each individually or you can sign up for the whole program and receive 10% off.
$75 a class, all classes $4650, whole program $4200
Please contact me for more information:
Highly supportive self-help program to create fast, holistic and lasting change! This program utilizes the tools of Access Consciousness and is designed to empower you into your own knowing and innate magic to create a life and body that works for you.
This program includes:
5 Days to Change Your Life: 5 intensive days to create change and learn practical tools to use daily to continue to create changes in your body, mind and spirit. Click here for more information about the 5 Days to Change Your Life class:
Weekly 30 minute one on one private coaching to address personal stuck areas in the body, mind or spirit. Click here for information on private coaching sessions:
Weekly Access bars Trades to allow the change you are creating to be more easeful and nurturing. You will learn this process in the 5 Days to Change your Life class. Click here for more information about the bars:
Bi-weekly Body Energy Work classes where you will receive and learn to gift the process to another; these processes kick start your ability to heal your own body as well as to increase your ability to provide hands on healing to others. Click here for information on the body processes:
12 month program: $ 13,000 or monthly payments of $1100
Please contact me for more information by replying to this email or at
Happy Holidays!
Ease and Joy,