The Lie of Loneliness
The Lie of Loneliness

The Lie of Loneliness: As most of you know I have been traveling the world for the last few months.

Along the way I have been to events or met up with folks for company but the vast majority of my time has been alone.
I’m getting asked frequently if I’m lonely…
“But who do you talk to?”
“Who do you eat with?”
“Who do you share your experience with?”
Well, me.  I spend my time with me.  I’m not lonely.  I have me.
I never got how different I was in this.
For most the idea of being alone for a long period of time, heck even a short period of time, leads to loneliness.
Sure, there are times I’d like to be around others.  Times when conversation, joking or other people’s energy are a contribution to me and lead to fun.
But it isn’t required…  I’m not lonely without it.  I’m simply alone.
I wonder…
Are you willing to be your own playmate?
Can you have fun with yourself?
Do you like yourself enough to revel in your own company?
If you had more ease with yourself would you ever be lonely?
I invite you to try out some alone time.  Take yourself on a date.  Take a trip.  Do something that you always desired to do but haven’t yet because you couldn’t find anyone to do it with you.
Be alone.
It is different than being lonely.
Try it out and see…  How much fun can you have in your own company?
Ease and Joy,
P.S. Choosing to Be Your Own Playmate Retreat is coming up September 25-27 on beautiful Lake Michigan!  My friend and fellow Access Consciousness Certified Facilitator, Emily Russell, will be co-hosting this 2.5 day event.  We will be exploring how to find and be more of you to have fun no matter what!  Even when you are alone…

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