Taking the Path of Least Resistance
This is a common phrase… You may have heard it once or twice…
How often is this your first choice in creation?
How often are you choosing the path of least resistance for the creation of your relationships, businesses, communications, etc?
Or do you typically go to the harder path?
Do you pick a path and stick to it even if resistance forms later?
This is something that came up today for my friend and I as we were trading Access Bars. She was commenting on how nature always chooses the path of least resistance and was wondering why people usually choose the opposite… Interesting, right?
What is it about force, push and hard work that keeps us choosing it? What’s the value in the struggle that keeps us thinking we will succeed in the end? Or that we will enjoy or deserve it more if we struggle first?
Water doesn’t ever run up stream – it always goes down… Plants will choose to grow in the space in the concrete, not push through it… Animals migrate to where there is food, water and ease with weather patterns… Why do we humans make life so hard?
What if there were a different way?
I’ve been playing with this a lot in my own life and business and am making CHANGES!
I’m choosing the ease and flow that is more fun to play with. I’m looking to the world of nature, instead of the world of man, which has always felt more expansive to me.
How about you?
What if you could change anything that brought resistance to your life and creations?
All you have to do is start asking questions and exploring the possibilities…
Here are some that I have been playing with:
How can I create this with more ease?
Am I really creating what I desire?
What would actually work for me?
If I didn’t love hard work what would I choose here?
What would be FUN for me?
Here’s to the EASE of living!

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