I did it. I left my stable 40 hour work week at the hospital to take off on an adventure.
I don’t have much planned… A few classes over the summer in fun locales that I’ve never been to before (Chicago, Portland, and New Orleans)… A trip back east to see family and friends… 2 books in mid writing process…
I’m not used to having this much space in my schedule. I’ve always worked 9-5 Monday through Friday, had my stable paycheck to be able to balance my budget and the PUSH of creating my business and projects in the spare moments in between.
Now there is open space… It’s unnerving and freeing at the same time.
It has me wondering…
What adventure lies in the unplanned space in your life?
If we schedule things to the hilt and have only spare moments to be spontaneous then are we really open to life’s surprising adventures?
What if the universe has something in store for you beyond what you can plan?
“Empty” space in peoples schedule so often gets drilled down to “no money coming in” “stagnation” or “wasted time.”
We like color in the picture in advance so we know what to expect, know that we are doing something and to give some sense of safety/familiarity in this unpredictable world.
But what if this is a limited viewpoint on life and the world?
What if the open space we so often identify as empty is actually full of possibilities?
What adventure lies in the unplanned, spontaneous and open space in our lives?
I don’t have an answer for that… Only the question… But I’m excited to explore…
Ease and Joy,

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